Our Services
Kinship Courses
For coaches and counselors to learn the principles of becoming a Certified Kinship Leader.
Kinship Coaching
For families, groups and businesses to receive group coaching.
Kinship Counseling
Individual, family and group psychotherapy available to transcend the binds of restrictive cognitive, emotional and social experiences. Experience the freedom and joy possible when stress, trauma or mental illnesses become your conduit to a transformed life.
Kinship Consulting
For organizational leaders to expand their kin leadership capacities to inspire passionate and alive social bonding that maximizes revenues and altruistic community impact.

Our Services
Commitment to Leadership
Now is the time to transform your group if you want to face the new cultural wave in our society. We are here to work alongside you because when you grow we all grow.
This is an experience far beyond team-building activities. It brings in-depth which has become the change needed to meet the demands of the future. So, take part now in order to face the cultural wave of our society. We are here to work alongside you because when you grow we all grow.
Transforming Relationships
From personal to professional growth, we want to stand with you to breakthrough what limits you in order to create the life you’ve always dreamt of. No matter what life has been like for you, it does not have to dictate your current experience or impact your future. Our Professional Certified Coaches can assist you to move what may feel like mountains.
Courage to Heal
Experiencing emotional turmoil and want to break free? Professional counseling by a Licensed Mental Health Professional is available. Receive assistance to resolve family conflict, relationship troubles, or learn ways to heal the inner wounds that bind you. We all need support sometimes, reaching out to receive it is the first step in breaking destructive forces in your life. Click here to learn the difference between Counseling and Coaching.
On the cutting edge
We offer consultations for organizations seeking to improve and maximize employee strengths and minimize internal conflict. An organization’s ability to expand their reach is linked to employee satisfaction, aligned talent matching, healthy relationships and camaraderie to name a few. Receive the latest in synergistic and sustainable organizational structures, staff development and clarity of aligned decision making to increase your impact.