Kinship Development
Our Stand
Promoting Kinship Cultures
Our Purpose
We Enable Social Bonding that Feels Like Family.
Our Values
Affinity, Unity, and Transformation.
Our Mission
To support others in creation of groups aligned in purpose…
Our Vision
Through education and social services, families, groups, activists…
Our Philosophy
Positive change in our society begins with becoming the change. People with diverse cultures, upbringing, privileges, and experiences can be challenged, to say the least, when it comes to uniting behind a common cause. It is seen countless times that groups who are impassioned to make a positive difference, can get mired in complexities such as people sitting on opposing sides of topics. This can be frustrating or at lease ‘a kill joy,’ dampening progress. The complex nature of multi-perspectival groups can either jettison a group forward or bring the group to a jarring halt. Many may at least create compromise and snail forward dulling their passion. Unfortunately, too many loose their charge and do not achieve the difference they were meant to create. This is a great loss for our society especially for philanthropic based groups.

What is a Kinship Culture?
Collective minded people who care deeply about social change, bonded together through affinity, common purpose, and a strong desire to expand their legacy into the world.
Our Story
It began as a 4 year old little girl’s flickering dream that maybe one day all people could live in joy and peace together like one big family. She did not know that the world would tell her that’s impossible. So she gleefully kept her flicker of hope alive. As she got older, unfortunately her dream was trampled with betrayal, trauma, heartbreak, and sorrow. That flicker had become squelched and changed into a new flame of fear and destruction. The dream of the little girl became seen as distant and impossible and was named unrealistic. After all, in the mostly harsh bitter world shown to her, she did not feel joy or peace.